Text-Based Steganography Using Typos

Revision 1.0 2022-08-11

Approaches to steganography usually take the form of introducing what looks like noise to a signal (the "carrier"), however the "noise" is actually a hidden signal (the "payload"). This is done so that others inspecting the carrier signal do not suspect the presence of the hidden payload - only the intended recipients know to look for the payload.

Many methods make use of images, but there are text-file base approaches too. The approach presented here involves introducing 'plausible' typos to a document so that they encode a payload text. A carrier text is broken into large chunks (e.g. 1,000 chars) and the typos introduced into each successive chunk until a simple digest of the chunk encodes a payload character. To make the typos 'plausible', a measure of keyboard distance is used, so that characters are used which are keyboard-adjacent on a QWERTY keyboard to a carrier text char. This gives the impression that someone has been typing hastily. The typos are introduced systematically to minimize the number of typos in the chunk.

Decoding the package (carrier encoded with payload) is a simple matter of chunking the text and passing through the digest function, the output of which directly codes for a payload character.

Some sample Perl code is below but the implementation is at an early stage. It uses the Digest::Trivial module to quickly compute an appropriate digest and String::KeyboardDistance to calculate characters that might be good typos.

The main downsides of this approach are that it takes quite a lot of carrier text to encode a singly payload character, and also that it is limited to Latin text due to the QWERTY keyboard distance measurement. The speed of encoding is also an issue. As the digest is relatively simple to calculate, one approach might be to try to directly compute the required typos rather than introducing them in the brute-force manner of the current implementation.

Source Code - Encoding


use v5.16;
use utf8;
use Memoize;
use Digest::Trivial;
use List::Util qw( shuffle );
use String::KeyboardDistance qw( :all );

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");


use constant CHUNK_LEN => 1000;
use constant WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE => int(CHUNK_LEN/3)+1;
use constant MAX_TYPOS => 9;

# payload text to be encoded can come from anywhere
my $payload_text = "The pig is in the poke. The crow flies at dawn. END";
my @payload_chars = split(//, $payload_text);

my $carrier_text_filename = shift or die "Must enter carrier text filename!";

open(my $ctf, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $carrier_text_filename) or die "Could not open carrier text file: $carrier_text_filename! ($!)";

my $carrier_chunk;
CARRIER_READ_LOOP: while ( my $num_read = read( $ctf, $carrier_chunk, CHUNK_LEN ) ) {

	(my $whitespace = $carrier_chunk) =~ s/\S+//gmsx;

    if ( length($whitespace) > WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE ) {

		# if there's a lot of whitespace then skip encoding this chunk
		print $carrier_chunk;		
	elsif ( defined( my $payload_char = shift @payload_chars ) ) {

		# encode a payload char into this carrier text chunk
		if ( my $encoded = encode_chunk($carrier_chunk, $payload_char) ) {
			print $encoded;
		else {
			die "Could not encode chunk for $payload_char!";

	else {
		# create random typos in the same way to make it seem spelling mistakes continue until end of carrier text
		my $encoded = dummy_encode_chunk($carrier_chunk);
        print $encoded;



# encode a payload char into a chunk of text by introducing typos
sub encode_chunk {

    my ($chunk, $payload_char) = @_;
    my $payload_code = ord $payload_char;

    # perhaps the chunk already encodes the payload char.
	return $chunk if $payload_code == trivial_s $chunk;
	# get a table of possible typos. 
	my $alts_aref = get_typos_for_chunk( $chunk );
	my @alts = @{$alts_aref};

    # Apply increasing numbers of typos to chunk until it encodes payload char.
    my @typos;  # a list of typos.
    push @typos, [int(rand(length($chunk))),0];   # begin with 1 typo at a random location in the string
    while ( scalar(@typos) <= MAX_TYPOS ) {  # abandon at some number of typos
        # work on a fresh copy of the chunk
        my $tempchunk = $chunk;
        # work current typos into chunk
        foreach my $typo (@typos) {
            my $typo_char = substr( $alts[$typo->[0]], $typo->[1], 1 );
            if ( length($typo_char) ) {
                substr($tempchunk, $typo->[0], 1) = $typo_char;
        # check the modified chunk
        return $tempchunk if $payload_code == trivial_s $tempchunk;
        # increment typo indices, creating a new one when all others are exhausted.
        # in this way the number of typos in a chunk is minimized.
        my $inc = 1;
        my $end_typos = scalar(@typos) - 1;
        foreach my $i (0..$end_typos) {
            if ( $inc ) {
                $inc = 0;
                my $c = $typos[$i][0];
                my $t = $typos[$i][1];
                if ( $t >= length($alts[$c]) ) {
                    $t = 0;
                    if ( $c >= scalar(@alts) ) {
                        $c = 0;
                        if ( $i == $end_typos ) {
                            # create a new typo if we've exhausted all current typo options
                            push @typos, [int(rand(length($chunk))),0]
                        else {  # increment the next typo
                            $inc = 1;
                $typos[$i][0] = $c;
                $typos[$i][1] = $t;
    return undef;

# introduce some typos at random to preserve the impression that the text is poorly typed.
sub dummy_encode_chunk {

    my ($chunk) = @_;
    my $alts_aref = get_typos_for_chunk( $chunk );
	my @alts = @{$alts_aref};    
	# create some random number of typos
    my @typos;
    my $num_typos = int(rand(3))+1;
    foreach my $i (0..$num_typos) {
        push @typos, [int(rand(length($chunk))),0];
    # apply them to the text chunk
    foreach my $typo (@typos) {
        my $typo_char = substr( $alts[$typo->[0]], $typo->[1], 1 );
        if ( length($typo_char) ) {
            substr($chunk, $typo->[0], 1) = $typo_char;

    return $chunk;

sub get_typos_for_chunk {

    my ($chunk) = @_;

    # Each char in the chunk of text has a string of possible alternate chars which is a 'plausible' typo.	
	my @alts;
    foreach my $i (0..length($chunk)-1) {
        my $chunk_char = substr($chunk, $i, 1);

        # only consider certain chars in the chunk for applying typos.
        if ( (ord $chunk_char >= 33) && (ord $chunk_char <= 126) ) {

            # get a string of typo chars, chars which are adjacent to the char on a qwerty keyboard
            # randomize the order of the adjacent chars
			my $chars_to_use = join( "", shuffle get_chars_at_dist( $chunk_char, 1 ) );
			push @alts, $chars_to_use;
        else {
            push @alts, q{};
    return \@alts;

# returns a string of chars which are at some keyboard distance to a given char.
# Certainly this can be precomputed but here just memoized for speed
sub get_chars_at_dist {

	my ($s, $dist) = @_;
	my @chars;

	foreach my $char (split(//, q{1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnmn./})) { 
		if ( qwerty_char_distance($s, $char) == $dist ) {
			push @chars, $char;
	return @chars;

Source Code - Decoding


use v5.16;
use utf8;
use Digest::Trivial;

binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");

use constant CHUNK_LEN => 1000;
use constant WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE => int(CHUNK_LEN/3)+1;

my $file = shift or die "Must enter filename!";
open( my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $file ) or die "Could not open file: $file ($!)";

my $chunk;
DECODE: while ( read( $fh, $chunk, CHUNK_LEN ) ) {

	(my $whitespace = $chunk) =~ s/[\S]+//gmsx;
	next DECODE if length($whitespace) > WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE;

	my $decoded_char = chr trivial_s $chunk;
	print $decoded_char;

