Source Code - Encoding
use v5.16;
use utf8;
use Memoize;
use Digest::Trivial;
use List::Util qw( shuffle );
use String::KeyboardDistance qw( :all );
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use constant CHUNK_LEN => 1000;
use constant WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE => int(CHUNK_LEN/3)+1;
use constant MAX_TYPOS => 9;
# payload text to be encoded can come from anywhere
my $payload_text = "The pig is in the poke. The crow flies at dawn. END";
my @payload_chars = split(//, $payload_text);
my $carrier_text_filename = shift or die "Must enter carrier text filename!";
open(my $ctf, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $carrier_text_filename) or die "Could not open carrier text file: $carrier_text_filename! ($!)";
my $carrier_chunk;
CARRIER_READ_LOOP: while ( my $num_read = read( $ctf, $carrier_chunk, CHUNK_LEN ) ) {
(my $whitespace = $carrier_chunk) =~ s/\S+//gmsx;
if ( length($whitespace) > WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE ) {
# if there's a lot of whitespace then skip encoding this chunk
print $carrier_chunk;
elsif ( defined( my $payload_char = shift @payload_chars ) ) {
# encode a payload char into this carrier text chunk
if ( my $encoded = encode_chunk($carrier_chunk, $payload_char) ) {
print $encoded;
else {
die "Could not encode chunk for $payload_char!";
else {
# create random typos in the same way to make it seem spelling mistakes continue until end of carrier text
my $encoded = dummy_encode_chunk($carrier_chunk);
print $encoded;
# encode a payload char into a chunk of text by introducing typos
sub encode_chunk {
my ($chunk, $payload_char) = @_;
my $payload_code = ord $payload_char;
# perhaps the chunk already encodes the payload char.
return $chunk if $payload_code == trivial_s $chunk;
# get a table of possible typos.
my $alts_aref = get_typos_for_chunk( $chunk );
my @alts = @{$alts_aref};
# Apply increasing numbers of typos to chunk until it encodes payload char.
my @typos; # a list of typos.
push @typos, [int(rand(length($chunk))),0]; # begin with 1 typo at a random location in the string
while ( scalar(@typos) <= MAX_TYPOS ) { # abandon at some number of typos
# work on a fresh copy of the chunk
my $tempchunk = $chunk;
# work current typos into chunk
foreach my $typo (@typos) {
my $typo_char = substr( $alts[$typo->[0]], $typo->[1], 1 );
if ( length($typo_char) ) {
substr($tempchunk, $typo->[0], 1) = $typo_char;
# check the modified chunk
return $tempchunk if $payload_code == trivial_s $tempchunk;
# increment typo indices, creating a new one when all others are exhausted.
# in this way the number of typos in a chunk is minimized.
my $inc = 1;
my $end_typos = scalar(@typos) - 1;
foreach my $i (0..$end_typos) {
if ( $inc ) {
$inc = 0;
my $c = $typos[$i][0];
my $t = $typos[$i][1];
if ( $t >= length($alts[$c]) ) {
$t = 0;
if ( $c >= scalar(@alts) ) {
$c = 0;
if ( $i == $end_typos ) {
# create a new typo if we've exhausted all current typo options
push @typos, [int(rand(length($chunk))),0]
else { # increment the next typo
$inc = 1;
$typos[$i][0] = $c;
$typos[$i][1] = $t;
return undef;
# introduce some typos at random to preserve the impression that the text is poorly typed.
sub dummy_encode_chunk {
my ($chunk) = @_;
my $alts_aref = get_typos_for_chunk( $chunk );
my @alts = @{$alts_aref};
# create some random number of typos
my @typos;
my $num_typos = int(rand(3))+1;
foreach my $i (0..$num_typos) {
push @typos, [int(rand(length($chunk))),0];
# apply them to the text chunk
foreach my $typo (@typos) {
my $typo_char = substr( $alts[$typo->[0]], $typo->[1], 1 );
if ( length($typo_char) ) {
substr($chunk, $typo->[0], 1) = $typo_char;
return $chunk;
sub get_typos_for_chunk {
my ($chunk) = @_;
# Each char in the chunk of text has a string of possible alternate chars which is a 'plausible' typo.
my @alts;
foreach my $i (0..length($chunk)-1) {
my $chunk_char = substr($chunk, $i, 1);
# only consider certain chars in the chunk for applying typos.
if ( (ord $chunk_char >= 33) && (ord $chunk_char <= 126) ) {
# get a string of typo chars, chars which are adjacent to the char on a qwerty keyboard
# randomize the order of the adjacent chars
my $chars_to_use = join( "", shuffle get_chars_at_dist( $chunk_char, 1 ) );
push @alts, $chars_to_use;
else {
push @alts, q{};
return \@alts;
# returns a string of chars which are at some keyboard distance to a given char.
# Certainly this can be precomputed but here just memoized for speed
sub get_chars_at_dist {
my ($s, $dist) = @_;
my @chars;
foreach my $char (split(//, q{1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnmn./})) {
if ( qwerty_char_distance($s, $char) == $dist ) {
push @chars, $char;
return @chars;
Source Code - Decoding
use v5.16;
use utf8;
use Digest::Trivial;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use constant CHUNK_LEN => 1000;
use constant WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE => int(CHUNK_LEN/3)+1;
my $file = shift or die "Must enter filename!";
open( my $fh, "<:encoding(UTF-8)", $file ) or die "Could not open file: $file ($!)";
my $chunk;
DECODE: while ( read( $fh, $chunk, CHUNK_LEN ) ) {
(my $whitespace = $chunk) =~ s/[\S]+//gmsx;
next DECODE if length($whitespace) > WHITESPACE_TOLERANCE;
my $decoded_char = chr trivial_s $chunk;
print $decoded_char;