Conway's Game of Life
The Game of Life has simple rules, a binary cell state, and works on a grid, so is therefore ideal for an assembly language project. There are two main difficulties — loading a pattern file, and visualising the output. In the implementation below the previous bitmap writing code is used to save the board state at each tick. Although the cell state is binary, a byte per cell is used for convenience, and this is carried through to the bitmap output which is 8 bpp.
Loading a pattern file is even more involved. What would take just a couple of lines in a higher-level language becomes its own project in assembly. The implementation here reads .cells files, a repository of which can be found here.
Some care should be taken if run with a large pattern file for lots of ticks, as the program will instantly fill up a hard drive with lots of uncompressed bitmap files.
; Conway's Game of Life
; nasm -g -f elf64 game_of_life.asm
; ld -o game_of_life game_of_life.o
; in usage takes .cells file and number of ticks to run for, and produces bitmaps for output. e.g.:-
; ./game_of_life 232p7h3v0puffer.cells 50
section .data
; various error messages
usage_str db 'Please enter pattern filename (.cells format) and number of iterations', 0x0a
usage_len equ $-usage_str
mmap_error_str db 'mmap failed.', 0x0a
mmap_error_len equ $-mmap_error_str
file_error_str db 'Error writing to output file.', 0x0a
file_error_len equ $-file_error_str
number_error_str db 'Error in number of iterations.', 0x0a
number_error_len equ $-number_error_str
FNF_error_str db 'File not found.', 0x0a
FNF_error_len equ $-FNF_error_str
denied_error_str db 'Permission denied.', 0x0a
denied_error_len equ $-denied_error_str
; Write the board to a bitmap every iteration/'tick'
; 62 is the total length of the header including the colour table
; the width and height are calculated based on the specified input file
; BMP header
BMP_ident: db 'BM'
BMP_file_size: dd 0 ;62+(row_length*total_rows)
BMP_res1: dw 0
BMP_res2: dw 0
BMP_img_offset: dd 62
; DIB header
BMP_header_size: dd 40
BMP_width: dd 0 ; row_length
BMP_height: dd 0 ; total_rows
BMP_planes: dw 1
BMP_bpp: dw 8
BMP_compression: dd 0
BMP_img_size: dd 0 ; row_length*total_rows
BMP_x_res: dd 2835
BMP_y_res: dd 2835
BMP_num_cols: dd 2 ; number of colours in the colour table
BMP_imp_cols: dd 0
; Colour table. Only two entries as there are only two cell states
dead_colour: db 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff ; white
live_colour: db 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 ; black
out_file: db 'GoL_'
file_num: db '00000000' ; this will be overwritten according to the tick number
file_num_len equ $-file_num
file_ext: db '.bmp', 0x00
; ticks
iteration dq 1
num_iterations dq 0
section .bss
; pointers to passed parameters
pattern_file_ptr resq 1
ticks_ptr resq 1
; for reading in the pattern (.cells) file
PT_file_desc resq 1
PT_char_buf resb 1
pattern_start resq 1
pattern_cols resq 1
pattern_rows resq 1
pattern_size resq 1
pattern_ptr resq 1
; buffers for simulation
buffer_ptr resq 1
row_length resq 1
total_rows resq 1
buffer_size resq 1
src_ptr resq 1
dst_ptr resq 1
section .text
global _start
; process input parameters
pop rax
cmp rax, 3
jne usage
pop rsi ; skip past program name
; get pointers to the strings entered for input pattern and number of ticks
pop rsi ; filename
mov [pattern_file_ptr], rsi
pop rsi ; ticks
mov [ticks_ptr], rsi
; convert ticks passed into the program, into a number
mov rsi, [ticks_ptr]
call string_to_num
mov [num_iterations], rcx
; load the .cells file
mov rdi, [pattern_file_ptr]
mov rax, 2 ; 'open'
mov rsi, 0 ; flags: O_RDONLY
mov rdx, 0
; check for open errors
cmp rax, -2
je fnf_error ; error: file not found
cmp rax, -13
je denied_error ; error: permission denied
; use a simple state machine to process the .cells file.
; these files can have comments as well as data.
; There are two passes through the file. In the first pass,
; try to determine the dimensions of the board in the file.
; Use those dimensions to allocate some memory, then rewind
; the file and read the file again to get the actual board
; data into the allocated memory.
; This file loader makes a lot of assumptions about the
; format of the input file (e.g. the comment (!) char is at
; the beginning of a line) but it seems to work so far
mov [PT_file_desc], rax ; file descriptor
mov r9, 0 ; state. Start in state=0
mov r10, 0 ; columns
mov r11, 0 ; rows
mov r12, 0 ; temp for current row column counter
mov r13, 0 ; offset into file where the board data begins
push r9 ; save vars across syscall
push r10
push r11
push r12
push r13
xor eax, eax ; read
mov rdi, [PT_file_desc] ; from .cells file
mov rsi, PT_char_buf ; memory location to read to
mov rdx, 1 ; read 1 char from the file
pop r13 ; restore vars
pop r12
pop r11
pop r10
pop r9
cmp rax, 1 ; check for EOF
jne PT_d1
; current state determines how to process the char just read
cmp r9, 0 ; state 0 is a kind of holding state
je PT_state_0
cmp r9, 1 ; state 1 means reading a comment
je PT_state_1
; assume state 2 - reading the cell data block
; check for end of line
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], 0x0a
je PT_state_2_0
; skip past 0x0d if present
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], 0x0d
je PT_read_loop
; assume char_buf has valid cell data
inc r12 ; keep track of the number of columns
jmp PT_read_loop
inc r11 ; increment row counter
mov r9, 0 ; reset state
cmp r12, r10 ; keep track of the maximum row length in r10
cmova r10, r12 ; since .cells files can have a variable row length
mov r12, 0
jmp PT_read_loop
; check to see if it's the start of a comment
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], '!' ; start of a comment
je PT_state_0_0
mov r9, 2 ; assume we've entered a cell data row, set state=2
jmp PT_state_2 ; process the data cell just read
mov r9, 1 ; set state=1, 'reading comment' state
inc r13
jmp PT_read_loop
; reading a comment. Just pull in bytes until the newline
inc r13
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], 0x0a
jne PT_read_loop
mov r9, 0 ; reset to state=0
jmp PT_read_loop
; final row might not have a newline at the end.
; Catch up with any final data cells
cmp r12, 0
je PT_d2
cmp r12, r10
cmova r10, r12
inc r11
; at this point, r10 should be the number of data columns, r11 the number of data rows
; save these
mov [pattern_cols], r10
mov [pattern_rows], r11
mov [pattern_start], r13
mov rax, r10
mul r11
mov [pattern_size], rax
; now have to allocate memory and read the file again to extract the data
mov rax, 9 ; mmap is syscall 9
mov rdi, 0 ; let the kernel choose where the memory starts
mov esi, [pattern_size] ; the size in bytes that we want
mov rdx, 3 ; memory protection: PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
mov r10, 34 ; flags: MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS
mov r8, -1 ; no file descriptor
mov r9, 0 ; no offset
cmp rax, -1 ; if returns -1 then map failed. Otherwise contains the starting address of the memory we wanted
je mmap_failed
mov [pattern_ptr], rax ; save address
; seek back in the file
mov rax, 8 ; sys_lseek
mov rdi, [PT_file_desc] ; file descriptor
mov rsi, [pattern_start] ; offset into the file where data begins
mov rdx, 0 ; SEEK_SET
; read the pattern data into the buffer just created
xor ecx, ecx ; rcx is index into column
mov rdi, [pattern_ptr] ; pointer to the beginning of the memory buffer
push rcx
push rdi
xor eax, eax ; read
mov rdi, [PT_file_desc] ; from .cells file
mov rsi, PT_char_buf ; memory location to read to
mov rdx, 1 ; read 1 byte
pop rdi
pop rcx
cmp rax, 1 ; check for end of file
jne PT_d3
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], 0x0d ; ignore
je PT_pattern_in
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], 0x0a ; increase row counter if newline
jne PT_set_cell
add rdi, qword [pattern_cols]
xor ecx, ecx
jmp PT_pattern_in
; set the byte in the destination buffer if 'O' or '*' (sometimes used in .cells files apparently)
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], 'O'
sete [rdi+rcx]
cmp byte [PT_char_buf], '*'
sete al
or [rdi+rcx], al
inc rcx
jmp PT_pattern_in
; file has been read into memory.
; determine size of final buffers for simulation,
; and setup bitmap header
; Make the simulation buffer twice the dimension of the pattern read in.
; This is a bit arbitrary, would perhaps be better to ask the user for the board dimensions
mov rax, [pattern_cols]
sal rax, 1 ; buffer is double the initial pattern width
and al, 11111100b ; ensure a multiple of 4 for bitmap
mov [row_length], rax
mov [BMP_width], eax
mov rbx, [pattern_rows]
sal rbx, 1 ; buffer is double the height of the initial pattern
mov [total_rows], rbx
mov [BMP_height], ebx
mul rbx ; compute the total size, rows*cols
mov [buffer_size], rax
mov [BMP_img_size], eax
mov rsi, rax
add rax, 62 ; BMP file size including header
mov [BMP_file_size], eax
; allocate memory for the simulation buffers
; 2 * row_length * total_rows
mov rax, 9 ; mmap is syscall 9
mov rdi, 0 ; let the kernel choose where the memory starts
;mov esi, buffer_size ; rsi is already set above
sal rsi, 1 ; double it, as we want two buffers
mov rdx, 3 ; memory protection: PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE
mov r10, 34 ; flags: MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS
mov r8, -1 ; no file descriptor
mov r9, 0 ; no offset
cmp rax, -1 ; if returns -1 then map failed. Otherwise contains the starting address of the memory we wanted
je mmap_failed
mov [buffer_ptr], rax ; save address
; zero the buffers
mov rdi, [buffer_ptr]
mov rax, 0x00
mov rcx, [buffer_size]
sal rcx, 1
rep stosb
; initialize the buffer pointers
mov rax, [buffer_ptr]
mov [src_ptr], rax
add rax, [buffer_size]
mov [dst_ptr], rax
; initialize the source buffer with the pattern from the .cells file
; bitmaps are flipped vertically in the file format. So to get the pattern to look the
; right way up, it is written from the bottom of the buffer to the top.
; try to put the pattern in the middle of the allocated buffer
; compute horizontal offset
mov r8, [row_length]
sub r8, [pattern_cols]
sar r8, 1
; compute vertical offset
mov r9, [total_rows]
sub r9, [pattern_rows]
sar r9, 1
mov rax, [total_rows]
sub rax, r9
mul qword [row_length] ; convert from row offset to byte offset
mov rsi, [pattern_ptr] ; the source pattern
mov rbx, [src_ptr] ; write it to the first buffer
add rbx, rax ; add vertical offset
mov rdx, [pattern_rows] ; the number of rows in the pattern
mov rdi, rbx
add rdi, r8 ; add horizontal offset each row
mov rcx, [pattern_cols]
rep movsb ; copy a row
sub rbx, [row_length] ; move 'up' a row
dec rdx ; row counter
jnz pattern_init_loop
; run the pattern with the Game of Life rules
; 'snapshot' the source buffer to a .bmp file
mov rsi, [src_ptr]
call snapshot_buffer
mov rdi, [dst_ptr] ; rdi points to output buffer
; there is a 1 cell border around the whole board which does not get processed.
; (it is forced to be dead cells). The board is supposed to be infinite but can't
; do that in this memory representation.
; move rsi and rdi past the first row in the buffers.
; use r10 and r11 as pointers as well for previous and next row of cells
; this is to save having to compute offsets all the time from rsi
mov r10, rsi ; r10 = previous row (cell above)
add rsi, [row_length] ; rsi = current row (current cell)
mov r11, rsi
add r11, [row_length] ; r11 = next row (cell below)
add rdi, [row_length] ; rdi is destination cell.
mov rdx, [total_rows] ; total number of rows to do
sub rdx, 2 ; not processing first and last row
; move past first pixel of the row (dead cell border).
inc rsi
inc r10
inc r11
inc rdi
mov rcx, [row_length]
sub rcx, 2 ; not processing last cell of the row
; for each cell
; sum up alive neighbours according to source buffer
mov bx, 0
add bl, [r10 - 1] ; top left corner cell
add bl, [r10] ; top middle cell
add bl, [r10 + 1] ; top right corner cell
add bl, [rsi - 1] ; middle left cell
add bl, [rsi + 1] ; middle right cell
add bl, [r11 - 1] ; bottom left corner cell
add bl, [r11] ; bottom middle cell
add bl, [r11 + 1] ; bottom right corner cell
; the number of alive neighbours is in bl
; if the number of neighbours is 3 then set to 1 in the destination buffer
cmp bl, 3
sete [rdi]
je GOL_continue ; nothing more to do for this cell, move on
; if live and there are 2 neighbours then set to 1 in the destination buffer
; otherwise reset to 0
cmp byte [rsi], 1
sete [rdi]
cmp bl, 2
sete bh
and [rdi], bh
inc rsi ; move pointers on to next cell
inc r10
inc r11
inc rdi
dec rcx ; handle counter
jnz in_row_loop
; move pointers past the pixel border at the end of the row
inc rsi
inc r10
inc r11
inc rdi
; go onto the next row
dec rdx
jnz next_row_loop
; done one tick.
; the destination buffer becomes the source and vice versa
mov r12, [src_ptr]
xchg r12, [dst_ptr]
mov [src_ptr], r12
; increase the iteration counter
inc qword [iteration]
mov r9, [num_iterations]
cmp qword [iteration], r9 ; quit if reached the specified number of ticks to run for
jle life_loop
mov rax, 0x3c
mov rdi, 0
; some error messages
mov rsi, usage_str
mov rdx, usage_len
call write_out
jmp exit
mov rsi, mmap_error_str
mov rdx, mmap_error_len
call write_out
jmp exit
mov rsi, FNF_error_str
mov rdx, FNF_error_len
jmp write_out
mov rsi, denied_error_str
mov rdx, denied_error_len
jmp write_out
mov rsi, file_error_str
mov rdx, file_error_len
call write_out
jmp exit
mov rsi, number_error_str
mov rdx, number_error_len
call write_out
jmp exit
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
; save to bitmap
; rsi should point to the start of the buffer to write
push rsi
; make sure the filename is correct
call update_filename
; open the specified file for writing.
; Create and truncate the file if necessary and apply some basic permissions
mov rax, 2
mov rdi, out_file
mov rsi, 1101o ; flags: O_TRUNC | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY
mov rdx, 0664o ; permissions: -rw-rw-r--
cmp rax, -13
je exit
mov r8, rax ; file descriptor
; write out the file
; header first
mov rsi, BMP_ident
mov rdx, 62
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, r8
; check to make sure the entire header was written
cmp rax, 62
jne file_write_error
; write out the image data
pop rsi
mov rdx, [buffer_size]
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, r8
; check to make sure all the image data was written
cmp rax, [buffer_size]
jne file_write_error
; close the file
mov rax, 3
mov rdi, r8
; done
mov rax, [iteration] ; the output bitmap filename is based on the iteration number
mov r8, 10 ; we divide repeatedly by 10 to convert number to string
mov rdi, file_ext ; start from the end and work back
mov rcx, 0 ; this will contain the final number of chars
dec rdi ; going backwards in memory
mov rdx, 0 ; set up the division: rax already set
div r8 ; divide by ten
add rdx, 0x30 ; offset the remainder of the division to get the required ascii char
mov [rdi], dl ; write the ascii char to the buffer
inc rcx ; keep track of the number of chars produced
cmp rcx, file_num_len ; try not to overfeed the buffer
je itoa_done ; break out if we reach the end of the buffer
cmp rax, 0 ; otherwise keep dividing until nothing left
jne itoa_inner
mov rcx, 0 ; rcx will be the final number
movzx rbx, byte [rsi] ; get the char pointed to by rsi
cmp rbx, 0x30 ; Check if char is below '0'
jl number_error
cmp rbx, 0x39 ; Check if char is above '9'
jg number_error
sub rbx, 0x30 ; adjust to actual number by subtracting ASCII offset to 0
add rcx, rbx ; accumulate number in rcx
movzx rbx, byte [rsi+1] ; check the next char to see if the string continues
cmp rbx, 0 ; string should be null-terminated
je done_string ; if it's null we're done converting
imul rcx, 10 ; multiply rcx by ten
inc rsi ; increment pointer to get next char when we loop
jmp atoi_loop
; rcx is the number